Soapmaker Certification Program
The Hong Kong HandMade Soap Association has developed and implemented a soapmaker certification program in order to encourage our members to achieve the highest professional standards.
The Certification Program establishes an industry-wide standard of excellence in soapmaking. Achieving these certifications demonstrates dedication to professional standards and documents the member's soapmaking proficiency. Consumers can have confidence when purchasing handcrafted soap from an HKHSA Certified Soapmaker.
Members who have passed certification at level or higher may display the appropriate "Certified Soapmaker" logo(s) on his/her website, in promotional materials and on product packaging for as long as the membership is still in force. Green color logo for Level 4 certification and pink color for Level 5 certification, purple color for Level 6 certifications.

New Level Scheme: Jan 2019
Level 1 : Soap hobbyists
Soap lovers who have never attended formal training but do soap at home for more than 5 years. To get this certifications, we will have a formal exam to test and if they pass this exam, level 1 will be granted.
Level 2: Soap Making Foundation
Certificate will be granted to those who pass an level 2 introduction to soap making with 10 hours of study time and 5 works submitted
Level 3: Intermediate Soap Making
Certificate will be granted to those who pass our exam on level 3 Intermediate Soap Making with submission of 10 different works and total study hours not less than 24 hours in soap making
Level 4: Advanced Soap Making
Certificate will be granted to those who pass our exam our level 4 Advanced soap making with 54 hours of study time and 5 works submitted
Level 5: Professional Soap Teacher
Certificate will be granted to those who pass our exam on level 5 Professional soap making, case study, and home assignments
Level 6: Senior Soap Teacher
Certificate will be granted to those who have over 5 years experience in soap teaching and also pass our exam our level 6 Senior soap Teacher
Seal of Quality: For organizations
Any handmade soap institutions that pass our stringent quality test and consumers will have confidence to purchase from organizations with this mark.